What makes a movie line unforgettable? Consider Jedi Master Yoda’s sage advice: “Do or do not. There is no try.” The words are simple, yet profound. The line’s power lies not just in its meaning but also in its structure, shaped by a rhetorical device called parallelism. Parallelism is the art of balancing the elements of sentences — words, phrases, and clauses — to create grammatical harmony. In Yoda’s quote, the repetition of “do” and the matching verb form of “try” strengthens its impact. Imagine instead: “Do or don’t. There is no trying.” The discrepancy between verb forms breaks the rhythm, and the message loses some of its effect.
When parallelism stands out as a hallmark of memorable speeches and literature, it’s often paired with antithesis. This technique contrasts two opposing things for added effect. Think of this line in President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address: “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.” Or consider Charles Dickens’ famous opening in A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…” These parallelisms not only create rhythm, but also pack a punch by using opposites.
The grammatical technique of parallelism sharpens everyday communication in less apparent ways, too. It’s used in series to create harmony between verbs or nouns. Instead of saying, “I spent my Sundays reading, swimming, and on walks at the beach,” create a parallel structure with matching verb forms: “I spent my Sundays reading, swimming, and walking at the beach.” Similarly, changing “We like movies and to walk in the park” to “We like to watch movies and walk in the park” enhances both flow and clarity.
Parallelism extends to noun forms as well. For instance, “Many public places, such as libraries or a coffee shop, offer free Wi-Fi” becomes more fluid as “Many public places, such as libraries and coffee shops, offer free Wi-Fi.”
By aligning comparable elements, parallelism enhances readability and creates a memorable rhythm that allows ideas to resonate more deeply with readers and listeners — whether you’re chatting with a friend over coffee or delivering a powerful line that lingers long after it’s spoken.