Known for penning works such as A Christmas Carol (1843) and Oliver Twist (1838), Victorian-era writer Charles Dickens is so influential that the word “Dickensian” was coined in his honor, meaning “of or reminiscent of the novels of Charles Dickens.” While “Victorian” suggests the prudishness and high moral tone on display during that queen’s reign, the adjective “Dickensian” connotes the poor social conditions in Dickens’ novels, or perhaps refers to over-the-top characters, such as master thief Fagin in Oliver Twist. It might also refer to the themes present in Dickens’ works: redemption, resilience, and social critique.
The author is even said to have invented a slew of interesting words, though incorrectly in some cases. He’s falsely credited, for example, with inventing common words including “boredom,” “flummox,” and “butter-fingers.” While he did popularize them in his writing, there’s evidence of earlier records by other authors. However, this shows that Dickens sought out lesser-known words, further demonstrating his prowess with the English language. Let’s take a look at some Dickensian words that the author did invent.
Apparently, this word was employed only once, and by its inventor. According to Dickens, “sassigassity” means “audacity with attitude.” It was published in 1850 in “A Christmas Tree,” in the line “…the sassigassity of that dog is indeed surprising…” Perhaps it deserves a comeback.
“Messiness,” a derivation of “messy” (“untidy” or “dirty”), can be credited to Dickens. It’s a result of converting an existing adjective into a noun, something Dickens was famous for. In addition to “messiness,” it’s believed he coined “cheesiness,” “fluffiness,” and “seediness” from their respective adjectives.
Dickens coined this slang term in The Pickwick Papers in 1837, and described it thusly for readers: “I thought everybody know’d as a sawbones was a surgeon.” We don’t see this word often, but it’s still listed in the dictionary as an informal term for a doctor or surgeon.
“Whizz-bang” was used in The Pickwick Papers to describe the sound of a gunshot. Today, “whizz-bang” (or “whiz-bang”) refers to a resounding success, as in, “She ran a whizz-bang campaign.” During WWII, it had a meaning closer to how Dickens used it, as a small-caliber shell.
Dickens invented this word to mean “exhausted” or “overcome,” as seen in The Pickwick Papers: “He’s in a horrid state o’ love; reg’larly comfoozled, and done over with it.” This is not to be confused with the relatively new word “confuzzled,” which is a portmanteau of “confused” and “puzzled.”
While Dickens often turned adjectives into nouns, he was also known for adding suffixes to nouns to create new adjectives. Case in point: the word “mildewy,” which was first recorded in The Pickwick Papers as an adjective, and was used later in A Tale of Two Cities (1859) to describe “the mildewy inside of the coach.” This is consistent with the modern usage to describe something moldy or affected by mildew. While he didn’t coin the original nouns, Dickens was known to create many new adjectives by adding the suffix “-y” to nouns, including “bulgy,” “swishy,” “soupy,” “waxy,” and “trembly.”
Dickens went one step further with the noun “jog-trot” when he transformed it into an adjective with an entirely new meaning. “It’s rather jog-trotty and humdrum. But it’ll do as well as anything else!” he wrote in Bleak House (1852). Traditionally, a jog-trot is a slow trot by a horse, but Dickens transformed it into an adjective to describe something that is boring or dull. It seems that this was a one-off creation, never to be seen again in other works.