
If you wonder why it rains cats and dogs, or why we encourage someone to break a leg, here are the answers.

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Idioms 2 min read

Where Did “Sleep Tight, Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite” Come From?

It’s important for your health to sleep well and recharge, and  wishing someone a good night’s sleep is an act of common kindness. It’s such a natural habit that we’ve invented plenty of ways to send someone off to bed, including the standard “sleep well,” and the more playful “catch

some Zs” and “hit the hay.” My favorite way to tell someone good night is the classic rhyme from childhood: “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” I grew up hearing this phrase, but like any other nursery rhyme, it has an origin story. Interestingly, it seems...

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